Thought to Ponder: God’s Map!

Thought to Ponder: God’s Map!

by Charles R. SwindollScriptures: Acts 9:28–31

Humble yourself. Rather than racing into the limelight, we need to accept our role in the shadows. I’m serious here. Don’t promote yourself. Don’t push yourself to the front. Don’t drop hints. Let someone else do that. Better yet, let God do that.

If you’re great, trust me, the word will get out. You’ll be found . . . in God’s time. If you’re necessary for the plan, God will put you in the right place at just the precise time. God’s work is not about us; it’s His production, start to finish. So back off. Let Him pull the curtains and turn on the stage lights. He’ll lay hold of an Ananias or Barnabas, who’ll come and find you at your most vulnerable point and lift you over the wall. Or He may choose you to be one of the nameless, lesser-known individuals who make the difference for someone else. Your part, pure and simple: humble yourself.

This would be a good time for you to resist going through life trying to live according to your own understanding—thinking if you can just climb up one or two more rungs on the ladder, you’ll be there. You’ll have what you need. Your family will be (what’s that word we like to use?) . . . “comfortable.” You know what your family needs more than extra money in the bank or a more impressive address or a TV in each room? They need you to be right with the Lord. That means that you walk humbly with Him. They need your gentle touch, acknowledging that He’s the Lord of your home, not you. That takes humility. Go there, my friend, go there.


What does our family need most from us? For us to walk humbly with the Lord.

— Charles R. Swindoll

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