Thought to Ponder: From the Heart!!

Thought to Ponder: From the Heart!!
“The measure you use…will be measured to you.”Lk 6:38 NIV

As Rebekah stood by a well, a stranger approached her and asked for a drink. She said yes, and offered to water his ten camels also (Ge 24:19). Do the math. One camel can drink twenty gallons, so ten can consume two hundred gallons. Two hundred gallons drawn with a five-gallon jar, equals forty trips back and forth to the well. Forty trips at three minutes each, equals two hours. Think about it: Rebekah showed uncommon kindness to a stranger, and became the bride of Isaac and an heir to Abraham’s fortune. What are the lessons here? (1) You determine the level at which you receive by the level at which you give. “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (Lk 6:38 NIV). (2) When you give, your loved ones get blessed too. After Abraham’s servant revealed who he was, he brought out gold and garments and gave them to Rebekah. But he also gave precious things to her family. The rewards of your generosity will always overflow and touch the lives of those around you. (3) When you give, your generosity will often outlive you. Imagine what the world would be like if Michelangelo had said, “I don’t do ceilings”; or Noah had said, “I don’t do boats”; or Mary had said, “I don’t do virgin births”; or Paul had said, “I don’t do letters”; and if Jesus had said, “I don’t do crosses.” Give, and your generosity will outlive you and bless those who follow you. (bob gass)
Do a random act of kindness/love today plant a seed they are full of special blessings.

Bible and Heart