Morning Line: Hope Excites

Morning Line: Hope Excites!

Psalm 146:5 (NRSVCE) ”Happy is he…whose hope is in the LORD God”

Hope excites the heart with rejoicing. Think of a time of anticipation of good. There was joy and hope of things to come. It is impossible to have true hope without a degree of joy. If you lack joy work on your hope, rejoicing will follow. Get into the Word of God (your Bible), its promises will renew Hope and bring JOY!

Proverbs 17:22 (NRSVCE) “ A cheerful heart is a good medicine,  but a downcast spirit dries up the bones.”

 Father-Son- Spirit can’t love you any more or less. They simple you and will neither leave or forsake you. Let the joy and peace of God rise up and flood your mind, heart and spirit in you today and have great “HOPE”

Great Peace be with You, the Steadfast Love of God is you strength, and joy!

Live Life with Expectation!

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