Morning Line: Character!

Morning Line: Character!

 Your character can reflect good or bad. What are you reflecting?

Proverbs 22:6”Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”

God, Family, Country, work ethic are qualities to be known by in you by other that you cherish and cherish you.  How ya do-in’?

Would people say you are a person of steadfast character, God  using you to mentor, lift, and encourage others, to walk in Jesus Christ’s’ footprints, being blessed to be a blessing, As You are filled with Jesus Christ’s spirit at work in you making you a world changer in your circle of friends, family and associates,  Choose always to be full of good character you don’t know who is watching and your setting a standard for them to follow.

God has a Great Word for you!
Ride with expectation full of His spirit guiding you!

Smile, stand up boldly, and mount up. You have a race to win!!

See ya in God’s Winners Circle
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Mulligans for Life/ Morning Line Chapel
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