Evening Prayer: Our Father in Heaven

Evening Prayer: Our Father in Heaven hallowed is your name. Our Father God of wisdom and love, you have made us a fragile as the flowers of the field, you have made us strong in you and having hope of everlasting life in you, Teach us to see each day as a gift from you, that we may live it for your honor and glory and render it back to you in praise, as this day comes to an end may we feel our heart in sync with yours and the comfort of our Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit within our being, as we rest through the night in the protection of your arms dear God. Preparing us for the day ahead, Thank you for a good ride today and our great track family and our extended family in and through you, good Father.Amen
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now, and will be for ever, Amen, Alleluia!
“peace be with you”
Good Night

Cowboy Moon Praying