Thought to Ponder: You Can!
“By faith Noah…built an ark to save his family.”Heb 11:7 NIV
Making a Difference
The story of Noah teaches us: (1) You can make a difference in your family. “By faith Noah…built an ark to save his family.” Noah’s decision didn’t just benefit him personally, it saved his entire household. It took many years, but he did it. And by God’s grace you can win your family to Christ too. (2) You can make a difference for future generations. Noah not only survived the flood, but God used him to start the world all over again. What a calling! What an impact! What a legacy! “The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him” (2Ch 16:9 NLT). God is looking for people who will partner with Him in fulfilling His purposes in the earth. But to qualify: (a) You must be willing to stand out in the crowd. Noah believed in his vision when nobody else did. Difference-makers are different. Don’t let that bother you. (b) You must not be afraid to do something for the first time. Don’t let the words, “It’s never been done before,” keep you from obeying God. Folks probably told Noah, “It’s not raining. Who needs a boat?” But they were wrong and Noah was right. (c) You must endure the rain in order to see the rainbow. So take your stand and believe God, for what He’s promised He will perform (Jer 1:12). (3) You can make a difference at any age. Stop putting yourself down because of your age. Noah was five hundred years old when he started preaching and building the ark. It’s not over until God says it’s over! (bob gass)