Thought to Ponder: Contemplation on “ Jesus Christ”

Thought to Ponder: Contemplation on “ Jesus Christ”
“The focus on (Jesus Christ) contemplation is a renunciation of self. His gaze purifies the heart; the light of the countenance of Jesus illumines the eyes or our heart and teaches us to see everything in the light of His truth and His compassion for all men” (CCC2715) It brings into God’s sweetness; it decreases sadness; it gives us rest from the distraction of the senses, blessing us with the ability to perceive more keenly interior inspirations from God; and it increases, strengthens, and directs our affections toward God. (Magnificat)
Get to your place of rest and say, dear Father by your Holy Spirit surround me as I surrender my mind, will, flesh and emotion to you, help me relax let go and trust you and not step back in any way, Thank you Father for your unconditional love, grace, and mercy, I honor , praise your Holy Name, Amen

let go