As one individual who has vast experience in stupid thinking, stupid acting. Then spending a great deal of time trying to outlive some of my stupid ideas. I feel I have a right and a duty to speak on the stupid problem that has taken up residence in every aspect of our lives. Being stupid has nothing to do with education or lack of it. No matter how many degrees are behind a name, or what experience one brings to the problem, stupid can run the train right off the track. Stupid elects stupid politicians to pass stupid laws. Tears up families and generally allows a great nation to become way less than God intended. It has been said that you can’t fix stupid. Aaah but you can. It is simply called getting back to what God says. Prayer and obedience. These days it’s not politically correct. ll Chronicles 7:14 &15.
If my people will humble themselves turn from their wicked ways and pray then they will hear from heaven and I will heal their land. The responsibility The responsibility begins under your chair and mine! Just saying.
Just saying.
Chap Larry Crisswell
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