Morning Line: Timetable

Morning Line: God’s Timetable!

Galatians 6:9” And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. “        

When God makes us wait for something longer than we want to, He’s teaching us patience. Our emotions are like a wild horse – they need to be reined in.

Patient endurance is what we need.  Then we will receive all that he has promised (Hebrews 10:36 NLT).

Be at peace impatience will just make you and everybody around you miserable, but it won’t rush God. He works according to His own plan and timetable:

‘…In due season we shall reap…’ (Galatians 6:9). ‘Due season is God’s season, not ours. We’re in a hurry, He isn’t. He takes time to do things right. God’s timing seems to be His own business. He’s never late or early either. He takes every opportunity to develop in us the fruit of patience, while other fruits and talents are being developed in us as well. There are several things that must arrive at the finish line at the same time in order for us to be successfully prepared full of potential, with character, to glorify God. We don’t appreciate any of this while the crushing and shaping is happening, but later on, we realize what a mess we’d have made things if done on our timetable instead of God’s.

Thank God for His grace, mercy, patience and when we’re smart enough to release the reins and let Him set the pace we are sure to win the race.

Trust Standing confident in faith He is with you all the time all the way. Live

 Life Expectantly!

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