Morning Line: R U Faithful?

Morning Line: R U Faithful?

Are you using the talent God trusted you with? Read the parable of the master and the servant.

Matthew 25:14-28 Which one fits you? God wants you to prosper in His wisdom and knowledge and the rest will come. Don’t be left in the starting gate with your talent. Use or lose it.

Choose to use your talent no matter what it is and grow it. Let the Holy Spirit of God inhabit all of your life. He will train you and lead you to   fully use your talent for God’s glory. He will use you to touch those around you, filling your life and their life with God’s goodness. Who can you give a leg up today?


See ya in God’s Winners Circle


Contact- Contributions or Prayer requests:

Mulligans for Life/ Morning Line Chapel 3850 West NW Highway #3401

Dallas, Tx 75220

Prayerfully  consider a tax-deductible contribution