Morning Line: Partnership!
In John 21:6 “Jesus Christ said cast the net one more time and they caught more than enough…”
The difference was Jesus was involved. He didn’t say to do anything different He just wanted to be part of it. If you need a better result interject God’s “Word” in faith and obedience and watch your world change for the better. Jesus Christ is ready to fill your net and your life with more than you can imagine, spiritually and physically. Let Him in all the way.
“Lord, show us Your love. Make us with all the saints to know the love that passes knowledge (Ephesians 3:19
Lord, show us in Your own blessed life what it is to abide in Your love. And the sight will so win us, that it will be impossible for us one single moment to seek any other life than the life of abiding in your Love.” Andrew Murray
There is no more time to be lukewarm get hot, dive in 100% don’t be left behind!
Live Life Expectantly!
Your Voice and Life Matter, Touch someone today!
God Bless
Mulligans for Life
16845 N 29Th Ave Suite 1 Box #5
Phoenix, AZ 85053
Send Love offerings and prayer requests to:
www.mulligansforlife.com (501-c3)