Morning Line: Know the Author, Own the Promise

Morning Line: Know the Author, Own the Promise

“Therefore I say unto you, All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that you receive them.” Mark 11:24

What a promise! It is so large, so divine, that our little hearts cannot comprehend it. In our meekness or weakness, we tend to limit it to what we think is safe or possible. We buffer allowing it to come in as Christ gave it to us with ALL its quickening power and energy. If we would just remain open and receive it as given, the promise would enlarge our hearts to receive All of what God’s love and power are really ready to do for us.

Faith is very far from being a mere conviction of the truth of God’s Word or conclusion drawn from certain premises. It is the ear that has heard God say what He will do and the eye that has seen Him doing it. Therefore, where there is true faith and knowledge, it is impossible for the answer not to come for healing, supply, or whatever is needed lining up with God’s Word.

Christ Jesus asked us to do one thing as we pray, “Believe that you Receive”  and He will see to it that He does the thing He has promised: Redemption, Healing, Guidance, Supply, Reconciliation, and so much more. This is part of the essence of All believers in Christ Jesus, thank adoration of Jehovah God for His to us. Who’s hand always secures the promise of what His mouth has spoken.

Friends meditate on these words and take them to heart, spirit, soul, and mind. In Christ in You, you are a full joint Heir to the Family of God with All its benefits.

( Excerpts from Prayer, By Andrew Murray)

Trust Standing confident in faith He is with you all the time all the way. Live

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