Morning Line: Heart!
Society puts a premium on appearance, which is vanity, and will fade away. Quality is in the value of the heart in Jesus Christ. How’s your heart? How is the one you see in the mirror? Are you seeing past the earth suit and seeing the diamond inside? Remember we’re a work in progress. (AW)
“ But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 (NRSVCE)
Is God telling you to stop looking back, the past is past. He has a new and better plan for you. Allow God’s word and promises to grow in you, as your faith passes your doubt, your destiny in Christ’s plan for you will arrive.
Your Father God is saying: ”..How long wilt thou mourn… fill your horn with oil, and set out…” 1 Samuel 16:1 (NRSVCE)”…
Your promise, “in all these things we are more than conquerors..” Romans 8:37
We have a “Covenant” of grace in Christ Jesus, our Savior, by His death He took our poverty and by His resurrection, He became our answer to prosperity, health, and eternal life. Rest in Him when life is tough, He will provide a safe landing. Thank Him for daily guidance and Love.
“That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection”
Jesus Christ is: The Way, The Truth, and The Life! Philippians 3:10
You’ve got it. In Him through you all His promises, own them ask Him to help you release them your mind and heart to take action. Father, Son, Spirit have an awesome road ahead for you if you will take it.
Live Life Expectantly!
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God Bless
Mulligans for Life
16845 N 29Th Ave Suite 1 Box # 5
Phoenix, AZ 85053
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www.mulligansforlife.com (501-c3)