Morning Line: Daily Bread

Morning Line: Daily Bread

Psalm 68:19”Blessed be the Lord who daily loads us with His benefits, the God of our salvation!”

Don’t skip your daily meal of God’s. When you do you become weak, irritable, tired you just don’t function right. Right in the middle of the Lord’s Prayer Matthew 6:11 Jesus said “give this day our daily bread” not just physical but also spiritual. All throughout the Old and New Testament scriptures refer to God’s Word as bread, so pray daily for a word from God, your daily bread of life to strengthen, nourish and guide you.

Pray: Thank you Lord for your bread of life that feeds and sustains me. Thank you for opening my spirit to hear a Word from today, to touch my life and the life of someone around me.

In Christ Jesus name amen.


See ya in God’s Winners Circle
Contact- Contributions or Prayer requests:
Mulligans for Life/ Morning Line Chapel
3850 West NW Highway #3401
Dallas, Tx 75220
Prayerfully consider a tax-deductible contribution

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