Morning Line: Be Charged–Don’t Worry Have Victory

Morning Line: Be Charged- Don’t Worry have Victory

The Holy Spirit is your power generator, ever ready to keep you charged.  Don’t let the cares of the day corrode your connection.  As you pray in the Spirit you are renewed in the spirit and flesh ready for what the day may bring confident you are more than a conqueror.

Acts 1:8” But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses … to the ends of the earth.”

So Don’t Worry, Worry drains your spiritual battery and hinders you from hearing God’s voice in you and seeing the path He is setting before.

Philippians 4: 6,7” Don’t worry, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”.

Have peace, trust God, don’t stew over the day it won’t change a thing, let go, let God cast your care on Him and His Spirit will provide the answer and solution, much sooner. Smiles have some fun today. Knowing the Son and the sun are charging you spiritually and emotionally. Get up get ready, and go win today’s race!!

Your Victory is just Up Stream! So again I say Don’t fear standing out in the crowd, being different, you are one of a kind.

 Proverbs 29:25 “fear of man’s opinion disables; trusting in God protects you from it.”  

Having fear of family, friends and peers’ opinions can be a snare of failure. At times you must stand alone in belief, in self, and in God’s love to avoid being snared by mediocrity.

Palms 118:6 “the Lord is at your side.” Take confidence and Victory in Him. God’s Spirit is always with you.

Take a deep breath and enjoy your day!

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