Kadosh (Holy) or Kadesh (UnHoly)

“Kadosh”) (holy) or “Kadesh” (unholy)

“There shall not be a prostitute of the daughters of Israel, and there shall not be a male prostitute of the sons of Israel”—Deuteronomy 23:18

In the reading this week, we are told about the prohibition of prostitution—either male or female. This is not surprising given the emphasis placed on morality throughout the Torah. What is surprising though, is the Hebrew word used for prostitution.

The word used is Kadesh which is incredibly similar to the word Kadosh which means holy. It is stunning that these two words are so similar! This is no coincidence so we need to dig a little deeper and see if we can uncover the relationship between these two words.

To solve this mystery, we need to first explain the Torah’s perspective on intimacy.

The very first commandment in the Torah is to have children within the context of marriage. “Be fruitful and multiply…” (Gen. 1:28) “Therefore, a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife and they become one flesh…” (Gen. 2:24)

Intimacy between a man and woman in marriage is an expression of the love and close connectedness of the couple. In fact, the Torah uses the word yada, “to know” in referring to the intimacy between Adam and Eve.

When intimacy is an expression of love and not just lust masquerading as love, then it is considered holy and hence called kadosh.

But when it is just sex for money, immorality, lust outside of marriage then it is unholy. In fact, it is taking something with holy potential and completely profaning it. When someone succumbs to this, it is called Kadesh and it is a perversion of what can be Kadosh.

The very same act can be either holy or immoral. It all depends on the context.

The Torah encourages us to direct our thoughts, desires, and feelings toward serving God. By doing so, we gain control over these urges and sentiments. Alternatively, if we neglect this charge, these urges control us, making us slaves to our passions and desires.

We are continuously challenged throughout our lives: will we choose the path of sanctity and holiness (“Kadosh”), or will we succumb to indulgence (“Kadesh”)?

RABBI MOSHE ROTHCHILD, Israel  Alliance,    ·  [email protected]

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