Guard Your Gates

Guard your Gates

 “Judges and officers you shall appoint in all of your gates…”—Deuteronomy 16:18

The bedrock of any society is a system of law and order. It sets the standard for what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior and the consequences for violating the law.

The difference though between secular law and Torah law is that secular law is human and Torah law is from God.

When the Torah tells us to set up judges and officers, it is referring to those who will enforce the law and those who will sit as judges to decide on its implementation.

This is what the Torah is telling us must be done to create a just and moral society.

We can also learn an important lesson for us as individuals if we study closely the Hebrew found in this text. If you just read English, the insight will be lost on you.

When it says “Judges and officers you shall appoint…” the word you is written in the singular (licha).

In English the word “you” can be used as singular or plural but not so in Hebrew where there is you (singular) and you (plural) which are different words. It should have used the Hebrew word for “you” plural (lachem).

It is as if the Torah is saying you should set up judges and officers for yourself!

We need to appoint judges for society, but we also need to be our own judges and look carefully at our own behavior. It is easy to always point the finger elsewhere and judge others. We need to engage in self-examination and introspection.

What does it mean to put officers at your gates?

Aside from the physical gates to an actual city, we can understand this on another level as well.

Your body has “gates” where information and ideas flow in and out of, namely your eyes and ears. We should not allow our eyes to see everything, nor should our ears hear everything. What we see and hear affects us and shapes our lives. We need to be very discriminating and careful about our gates and what we let in.

We must also be discriminating about what comes out of our mouths. This is another gate that must be guarded. Gossip, slander, and foul language must be protected against.

Judges and officers will create a just society at large and will create beautiful people to live within that society.


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Mulligans for Life                                     

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