Morning Line: Die Right!

Morning Line: HOW TO DIE RIGHT!
By Bob Gass
“He is not here, but is risen!” Luke 24:6 NKJV
Christ, the founder of Christianity, was the only man capable of making an appointment beyond the grave and turning up to keep it. Jesus told His disciples, ‘After I have been raised, I will go before you to Galilee’ (Matthew 26:32 NKJV). And He did. If you visit the graves of those who founded the great religions of the world, you will find that they are still occupied. But if you visit the grave where they laid Jesus, you will find that it is empty and the words of the angels still echoing, ‘He is not here, but is risen!’ Those words turn every Christian burial into a celebration. Jesus promised, ‘Because I live, you will live also.’ Eventually you will die of something; the question is; how can you die right? There are two correct answers to that question: 1) By preparing in advance. It was a truly human tombstone that bore the inscription, ‘I expected this, but not just yet.’ Here’s how you prepare for death. ‘If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved’ (Romans 10:9 NKJV). 2) By fulfilling your life’s assignment. Jesus said, ‘I have glorified You on earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do’ (John 17:4 NKJV). In the final audit you will stand before God and He will ask you, ‘What did you do with the gifts I gave you? Did you fulfill your assignment on earth?’ In that moment, nothing will be more important than how you answer that question.

risen tomb
See ya in God’s Winners Circle
Contact- Contributions or Prayer requests:
Mulligans for Life/ Morning Line Chapel 3850 West NW Highway #3401
Dallas, Tx 75220
Prayerfully consider a tax-deductible contribution

Morning Line: Wondrous Love!

Morning Line: What Wondrous LOVE !
By Bob Gass
“…My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46 NKJV
Imagine having to stand on a stage and watch every sin you’ve ever committed replayed for the entire world to see – your secret addictions, your selfish motives, your angry outbursts, your critical attitudes, and your jealous heart. How would you feel? Well, Jesus experienced much worse. The Bible says: ‘He…bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness by whose stripes you were healed’ (1Peter 2:24 NKJV). It’s bad enough to die for sins you didn’t commit, but imagine being forsaken by God! Does that mean the Psalmist was wrong when he wrote: ‘…I have never seen the righteous forsaken…’ (Psalms 37:25 NIV) No, because at that moment Jesus was anything but righteous. When you look at Him hanging there you will see the gossiper, the liar, the cheater, the alcoholic, the porn addict, the child abuser, the murderer. Does it bother you to see His name linked with theirs? Jesus did even more. He put Himself in their and yours mind. In a move that broke God’s heart and gave us the gift of eternal life, He poured out His righteous judgment on His only Son. So when Jesus cried from the cross, ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?’ He said it so that you would never have to. What wondrous love He gave to all, have you? If you haven’t, do it now, if you have rejoice and be glad it.
Jesus Christ: I Once and for “All”, come join me and the family.

Jesus on cross

Morning Line : You’re Chosen!

Morning Line : You’re Chosen
Isaiah 41:9-10(NKJV) 9 You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, And called from its farthest regions, And said to you, ‘You are My servant, I have chosen you and have not cast you away:10 Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
Your Father God is with you every step and has your best in mind. Lean, trust, and know He will bring you to it. He will finish what He has started in you.
“peace be with you”

Gods Hand 2
See ya in God’s Winners Circle
Contact- Contributions or Prayer requests:
Mulligans for Life/ Morning Line Chapel 3850 West NW Highway #3401
Dallas, Tx 75220
Prayerfully consider a tax-deductible contribution

Morning Line: Clean Start

Morning Line: Clean Start!

Hebrews 4:16”come boldly unto the throne of grace, obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”
The starter and assistant’s job is that each horse gets a fair chance from the starting gate regardless of past performance. Jesus Christ died to give us a clean break, a new life; and Jesus stays with you the whole race of life. When we fall Jesus leads us back in the gate and says go again. I am with you. He will never throw in the towel always ready give you a leg up, always seeing the best in you rooting for you. To have a great trip to His winners circle, riding in the company of the greatest stable you could ever imagine.


See ya in God’s Winners Circle
Contact- Contributions or Prayer requests:
Mulligans for Life/ Morning Line Chapel
3850 West NW Highway #3401
Dallas, Tx 75220

Morning Line: Angels

Morning Line: Angels
“…Some people have entertained angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2 (NIV)
God’s angels are operating among us. Don’t let your intellect neutralize your faith. Angels shut the mouths of lions for Daniel. An angel went before Israel’s army guaranteeing their victory. An angel showed up in a storm to let Paul know that he’d survive a shipwreck and opened prison doors for Peter. Angels protect us in times of danger. ‘For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways’ (Psalms 91:11 NIV). Have you consider the many ways angels may have protected you? Angels are there to help us in times of need. ‘Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?’ (Hebrews1:14 NIV). Those whom have accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, God hasn’t done away with His secret service they’re still working hard. You may not be able to see them with your natural eyes, but the benefits they bring surround you every day. Start each day thanking God for His hedge of protection and angels that surround you and your loved ones. Fewer cares of this world will get to you but the ones that slip through trust God to get you through and conquer them. Smile you are not alone enjoy your day.

See ya in God’s Winners Circle
Contact- Contributions or Prayer requests:
Mulligans for Life/ Morning Line Chapel
3850 West NW Highway #3401
Dallas, Tx 75220

Morning Line: Morning Line: Faith in– throw — Worry out!

Morning Line: Faith in throw — Worry out!
“Give all your worries…to God, for he cares about you.” 1Peter 5:7 (NLT)
The things you worried about last year, or even last week; how many came to pass? None of your worrying made them better or worse? Only taking a physical and emotional toll on you? Worry affects the circulation, the heart, the glands, and the whole nervous system profoundly affecting your health.
Your Father God says in his word , ‘Give all your worries and cares to (me) God, for He cares about you.’ By committing each day to the Lord, you are trusting Him to go before you and work things out for the best. It’s the only way to live! Worry doesn’t work. It’s like a rocking chair; it will give you something to do but it won’t get you anywhere! Life is too big for any of us to handle alone, attack it with the promises of God. Bring your fears to God and watch them shrivel.
2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV) “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
God has your back if you let Him. Cease the day mount up and ride.

worry not
See ya in God’s Winners Circle
Contact- Contributions or Prayer requests:
Mulligans for Life/ Morning Line Chapel
3850 West NW Highway #3401
Dallas, Tx 75220

Morning Line: Blinkers On!!

Morning Line: Blinkers On!

Sometimes our horses need blinkers not be distracted during a race. At times we need spiritual blinkers to stay on course focused on the solution not the problem to hear the Holy Spirit talk to us. Take on God’s blinkers today run a good race.
Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God
Give your Father God your reins today He knows what you have need of and will get you through the pack to victory. Relax settle into stride with Him.


See ya in God’s Winners Circle
Contact- Contributions or Prayer requests:
Mulligans for Life/ Morning Line Chapel
3850 West NW Highway #3401
Dallas, Tx 75220

Morning Line: Be a Copy Cat!


John 14:12” Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do….” If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your savior this promise is for you. You have in you the same faith and Holy Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the grave, that He used to accomplish miracles. Since it’s His supernatural faith, not our human faith, we’re capable of doing what He did! If you’re born again, part of you is wall-to-wall Holy Spirit. Renew your mind daily in God’s “Word” letting the Holy Spirit produce in you its power. Go be a Copy Cat for Jesus Christ touching the lives in the world around you. By him, through Him working in you “ Life Changing Miracles Happen”

like christ

See ya in God’s Winners Circle
Contact- Contributions or Prayer requests:
Mulligans for Life/ Morning Line Chapel
3850 West NW Highway #3401
Dallas, Tx 75220

Morning Line: Use it!


If you are born again accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior you now have the supernatural power of God Himself and the promises of His Word working in you. That’s why Jesus said, “You don’t need more faith. You just need to learn how to put what you’ve already got to work. The faith you have is enough to make a difference, use what you’ve got. Luke 17:6 “And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed…..”
You are special in God’s eyes and heart, let His Spirit loose in you and it will guide you to the place He has for you.

See ya in God’s Winners Circle
Contact- Contributions or Prayer requests:
Mulligans for Life/ Morning Line Chapel
3850 West NW Highway #3401
Dallas, Tx 75220

Morning Line: Heart & Mouth!

MORNING LINE: Heart & Mouth

Rom 10:10” For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” It’s only when the heart and mouth work together in faith that your confession is brought to pass. Many of us are missing out on what God has provided in the spirit because we aren’t using our words properly. Learn to speak life instead of death! Soak your mind in the word of God’s promises seating them in the soil of your heart and it will produce the fruit of it guiding you in your spirit down the right path on the right lead to God’s winner’s circle for you.


See ya in God’s Winners Circle
Contact- Contributions or Prayer requests:
Mulligans for Life/ Morning Line Chapel
3850 West NW Highway #3401
Dallas, Tx 75220


romans 10